On Sale: Scania VCI3 US$98.99, iProg+ Programmer US$75.99.
iprog+ Pro clone new software version V80 released more odometer correction models. Check the free download link and installation guide below.
Software Version V82
Language: English Russian
Operating system: WinXP, Win7, Win8
iProg+ Pro V82 free download link
Password: yrhy36
Other iProg+ Programmer Software Version download:
Main steps to install V82 iProg Pro:
Step 1: Create a new folder in any convenient place on the disk. For example [iProgProSoftware]
Step 2: Unpack the archive into the created folder
Step 3: Run the program
Step 4: Select the menu item Help -> Check for Updates. Follow instructions
Step 5: Copy into your Scrips and Calculators folders your scripts and calculators, respectively
Does iProg china clone work good?
Yes. it’s good for airbag, dashboard, car radio, ecu, eeprom, immo, mcu.
and covers more special functions like dpf off, MIL to KM, PINABS, PINCODE SMATRA3,PINCODE SENSOR SPEED LIMIT,ODO Adjust, Fujutsu, Microchip, Motorola, Motorola912EN, NECV850, BLR, CAN, CRC_Cript, ibutton, sd_unlocker, test etc
iProg Programmer Function List:
Read and erase Airbag crash to some cars
Read and erase DTC
Repair CFG
Dashboard: Read km, write a new km
Car Radio: Read and erase info; Reset count
ECU: Immo OFF, DPF off
EEPROM: Read/write/erase eeprom
Program and copy chips for cars and truck
Unlock keys
Cover Toyota smart keys: reset key prepare
Write a key by immo dump
MCU: Read and write chips, Cover chips Atmel, Fujitsu and microchips Motorola, NEC v850
Special functions: Mile to km, Pincode from dump
See also:
IPROG+ PRO China Clone: Valuable or not?
iProg+ Pro Original vs. Clone, Black vs. Red
This post is from China OBD2, Chinaobd2 is a leading supplier of all kinds of Car Diagnostic Tool, Truck Diagnostic Tool, OBD2 Code Reader, Car Key Programmer,ECU Chip Tunning,etc.
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