One Xtool X100 Pad2 user turned to us for help that his new X100 Pad2 failed to activate. When he filled in the info, the tablet screen shows “input is invalid: invalid Email, please input the right address” and then “This device still not be activated, please active it so that you could update the APP and the diagnostic software” with black screen.
Customer has been trying over 2 weeks to solve this problem but nothing happened.
He tried to change another email but fail too.
Attached two photos to show this situation:
Hello, my X100 Pad2 Auto key Programmer is not right .The screen upside down. Win I try to activate it says INPUT IS INVALIB s/nx100pad2-12727.
After engineer checks the series number of customer’ pad, they find that customer fill with the wrong activation code and it was stored in machine so that he could not active successfully.
Tips for active XTOOL:
Please make sure your information when fill in the brand.
Once you have registered with the wrong information, please reset the xtool product and then register again using the right information.
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